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Post Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:18 pm   
Post subject: Using Common Xbox-Related PC Apps on Linux (Gentoo and FC3)
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Hi Xbox-HQ! I know I'm relatively new, but the admins have been really cool to some of us "vagrants" from the Team Xodus forums, so I thought I'd contribute something in return
(Admins/Moderators - feel free to nix this if I'm out of line)

I did this tutorial on the TX forums a while back b/c I became frustrated that I could not use certain Xbox-related PC apps after I switched to Linux. Well, this changed everything! Please feel free to post comments, concerns, or issues with any of the below...I'm definitely not a Guru, but I like to help when I can! Take it easy all!


I still seem to be the only one that sticks to Linux as my PC OS, but I always had to keep an winblows install for apps like Qwix, X200l, etc...I had tried to use Wine to emulate winblows as much as I could, but it never worked properly...until yesterday!!!

Linux Wahtorial #1 - Using Wine to Emulate Windows Programs in Linux
Credit must go to mirrorball from the Gentoo Forums - I cannot take any credit for this other than thinking of using Xbox PC apps in Wine.

Note - this tutorial is based on Gentoo Linux and Fedora Core 3...each distro has its different way of installing Wine; whether it's an RPM install or a self-compile...however, I'm only familar with Gentoo and FC3, so that's what I focus on.

1. Download/Install Wine 20050725.
If you're using Gentoo, it's the most recent stable version in Portage.
These are the use flags that I had enabled:+X +alsa +arts +cups -debug -doc +gif -glut -jack +jpeg +lcms -nas +ncurses +opengl +oss
Do the following:
root@uberwah64 / # emerge -v wine

Go get a cold beer - it takes a while

For Fedora Core 3, download the latest RPM build from http://www.winehq.org.

1a. (Fedora Core Users only). After you d/l the RPM build, su to root, and type:
root@notuberwah64 ~ # rpm -ivh wine-xxxx.rpm
(where xxxx is the version of the Wine RPM). Let it install.

2. Switch back to regular user

3. Remove any old Wine folders in your home dir:
user@uberwah64 ~ $ rm -Rf ~/.wine/

Gentoo users, go to the next step...FC3 users, skip on to the Sidenet script (#5).

4. Edit your .bashrc file in your home folder, and add the following lines:

 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/wine/bin
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/wine/lib

5. Download the Wine Sidenet Configuration Utility Script HERE
Once you download it, extract it to a folder...then cd to that folder and run ./setup

6. This script is the key - it is meant to install IE6 on Linux, so it houses all the crazy .dll files that you need. Choose your poison - I use option 1 (Quiet Install). Let it go for a bit, and it will confirm when you are done.

7. Now you have a working Wine installation with all the updated .dll files.

8. Wine reads your home folder or the "c" folder (in your home dir) as windoze folders, so take an Xbox PC app - luckily most are self-contained - and move it to your home or /home/c/My Documents folder. We'll use Qwix as an example

9. Type the following:
user@uberwah64 ~ $ wine Qwix.exe

Bam - Qwix comes up!

As far as I've tested, the following apps work:
Qwix, Evtool, X200l, and MIRC.

The Wine version in AMD64 Gentoo kinda renders the graphics in a funny way, but the x86 version (what most other people use) renders them perfect.

I hope this helps some of you! Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, and/or edits!

Wah Cool

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