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Post Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:10 am   
Post subject: Improper Installation of SmartXX?
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Hello, again.

Now that I've fixed my dashboard problems, I think I should attempt to settle the hardware problems, which, I believe are caused by improper soldering and/or damaged traces.
I've looked in a few places (llama's web site was a valuable source for me), but I'm unsure of whether or not my suspicions are founded or just fear. (I've never done hardware modifications before, and, well, I think I want to learn).
Now, I don't have pictures, yet, but I can supply them if it's needed. However, I will give a brief explanation of my issue.

Ever since I've received this box, (xbox 1.6) it has a little struggle turning itself on. 7/10 times (more recently 10/10), rather than boot up, it goes into what I learned is called FRAG'ing. It starts, flashes green, restarts, flashes green, and then does the wonderful dance of green and red.

After about 2 days of struggling with it, (it tended to turn on when i had the front-half elevated, if that counts for anything), I opened the box, and took a look at the soldering job, seeing as I heard that that is a common cause for FRAGs.

Upon close inspection, I noticed a few sprinkles of silver where there shouldn't be none, and I assumed that that was soldering splashes. But I'm new to everything here, even soldering, and I was wondering if it is safe to scratch off of the motherboard's surface.

Also, there is a darker spot, looking somewhat like a burn, a little off-side one of the soldering points, just below actually, and one of the soldering points is a little messy, going over a trace (am I using correct terminology? Please be patient with this poor newb.)

There are not many people in my city who mod x-boxes anymore, as most of the focus on gaming, and whatnot, is more towards PCs and other such things. I prefer the original Xbox to the 360, but that is just me.

What kind of tools will I need to fix this?
Should I buy myself a new v1.6 motherboard, and resolder the SmartXX v3 modchip myself?
Will a busted retail (unmodded) Xbox that no longer works be a good resource for a motherboard, should I choose to replace it?

If this is not the correct forum for this, please accept my apologies. I'll learn my way around here soon.


ETA - This was given to me as a gift, pre-modded.

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Xbox-HQ Freak

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Post Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:31 pm   
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Your best bet is to post a couple of pictures so we can see how bad the soldering job is.
I wouldnt risk just picking the solder splashes off the board, theres a chance you could lift a trace doing it like that, what you need is a low watt soldering iron (15 to 18 watt) and some desolder braid (solder mop) - Place the desolder braid over the splashes and touch it with the iron and it will soak up all the excess solder.
Have you checked the D0 wire ? as this could cause the FRAG (this will be a single wire coming from the chip soldered to the D0 point on the mobo)
also on a 1.6 board the LPC bus needs rebuilding, this is a bit tricky to do and can cause a few problems. like i say, get a couple of pics of the chip area top and bottom and we`ll advise you from there.


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