Xbox-Hq EvoX Auto-Installer removed from Download Section
Date: Thursday, June 17 @ 04:42:33 UTC
Topic: Xbox Dashboard

I (DJB) have decided to remove the Auto-Installer becuase I have found even more and more problems with it. One of which is with XBMC (so DO NOT use this if you have installed with it), so I will look at trying to sort that out in the next couple of days.

The next release will be v1.2 Final BETA, and will be the last version I will do of it for a while. All the bugs should be ironed out so it will only be a matter of updating apps and maybe the EvoX Dashboard if the time comes.

I apologise to anyone who has had problems with this, as working on this plus study is really starting to take toll on me (thank god only one more week to go until holidays).


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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