Retro Shoot 'em Up Habroxia 2 Blasts Off On February 3
Date: Tuesday, January 19 @ 06:35:04 UTC
Topic: Xbox Gaming

Habroxia 2, Lillymo Games' next entry in their retro shoot 'em up series, coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch, and PC/Steam on February 3rd!

Habroxia 2

Habroxia 2 is a non-linear, old-school space shooter with upgrades, boss fights, and even New Game+, all wrapped in a retro package combining pixel graphics, chiptunes and stellar gameplay. Along with even more customizable ship upgrades and challenging boss battles, Habroxia 2 will also feature a revamped twin-stick control scheme and branching stages.

In the aftermath of a brutal attack on Free Space, humanity sends scout ships to the star system that was at the source of the assault. But when one of the pilots doesn’t return home, it’s up to his daughter -- the talented starpilot Sabrina -- to find him. Habroxia 2 is a non-linear, old-school space shooter with upgrades, boss fights, and even New Game+, all wrapped in a retro package combining pixel graphics, chiptunes, and stellar gameplay.

Habroxia 2 blasts off on February 3 pushing every facet of 2D shoot'em ups to escape velocity!

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This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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