Gentoox: New magic in place and New kernel comming *updated*
Date: Thursday, February 12 @ 00:22:46 UTC
Topic: Xbox Linux

- Ok, if you have run magic lately, you'll have noticed the database maintenance script that gets run. This is to prepare your system for the improved magic script! So far I've got the available screen finished, the rest shouldn't be much of a problem. - I've done this a little bit earlier than I would have liked to... but it was unavoidable. The changes I had made would have made the old magic unusable, so the new one is in place. Hopefully you wont notice any difference except for the "available" screen (that is, if all goes well). What I'll do is install Home on one of my xboxes, then leave magic running overnight and see if any errors arise. If you dont want to risk your Gentoox installation, then dont run magic until further notice!

- Stay tuned for a new kernel some time tomorrow with Focus overscan support and Focus RGB cable support! Focus support will include 800x600, but no HDTV/ X2VGA support as of yet. The patch will comprise of a new kernel and an updated displaytools xbvset script. Focus and Conexant will work together, both accepting (the same) hoc and voc settings!

*Update* Running two final installation checks for the new kernel - one on a Conexant Xbox and one on a Focus Xbox. If these are sucessful then I will release the updated patches.
Known issues:
NTSC does not work on PAL TVs which claim they are compatible with NTSC since really all these TVs are PAL60 which uses NTSC's scan rate, with PAL colours, meaning that all the colours appear messed up. HOC settings under 13 when using 800x600 on a Focus Xbox will cause overscanned lines to wrap around, for this reason, xbvset does not allow you to enter a value lower than 13 when using a Focus Xbox and 800x600. HOC and VOC settings resize the screen from the top left, not from the center. This is because auto-recentering has not yet been implemented.

- Fixed a load of errors with the displaytools patch. Run magic to update.

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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