Crysis 3 Coming to Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in 2013!
Date: Saturday, April 21 @ 20:29:51 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Electronic Arts and Crytek today announced that Crysis 3, the sequel to the 2011 video game Crysis 2 and the next installment of the blockbuster first-person shooter, will be coming to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in 2013.

As the name might suggest, Crysis 3 will be the third game in the Crysis series, and will run on the CryEngine 3 game engine.

Pre-order bonuses for Crysis 3 have also been unveiled, a level 5 XP boost in multiplayer, a unique bow skin, the Hunter Nanosuit module and three additional dog tags. The pre-prder bonuses which we have listed below will become available from Selected retailers.

Crysis 3 Pre-Order Bonuses (available from selected retailers)
  • Stalker Pack – Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: for players who like to stalk their prey from the shadows the Stalker Pack provides early multiplayer access to the deadly semi-auto Jackal shotgun. This powerful, close-range shotgun comes with a unique silencer attachment, custom weapon skin and two exclusive themed in-game dog tags

  • Overkill Pack – Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Overkill Pack features early multiplayer access to the Typhoon assault weapon and skin. Spewing 500 rounds a second, the Typhoon gives players the ability to go guns blazing to take back the Liberty Dome. Also included are two exclusive Overkill themed in-game dog tags.

  • Predator Pack – Includes the base game, all the Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Predator Pack delivers early multiplayer access to the Feline submachine gun and exclusive camo. With an extremely fast rate of fire and a 60 round magazine the Feline is highly effective and deadly, at short range.

A handful of screenshots for Crysis 3 have been released alongside the announcement, while the first official box art and pre-order information has also been made available to the public. You can check them out just below.

View more "Crysis 3" Screenshots and Info

Did you enjoy the original Crysis, or the sequel? I did! If you think you might be picking up Crysis 3, don't forget to add the game to your wishlist on 360-HQ.COM!

360-HQ Video Games: Crysis 3

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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