Battlefield 3 DLC announcement coming this week in New York
Date: Monday, February 06 @ 11:01:04 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

New Battlefield 3 DLC, possibly the rumoured All American DLC, will be announced in New York this week during an overnight call with investors.

Responding to a question about DLC for titles including FIFA 12 and Battlefield 3, EA VP of Investor Relations Peter C. Ausnit said: "You're going to hear some announcements from us on Battlefield actually as early as next week in an event we've got in New York."

Rumors suggest DICE is preparing an All American DLC pack, featuring maps set in New York, Miami, New Jersey and San Francisco. So far, Back to Karkand is the only DLC that's announced for Battlefield 3, and is part of the Limited Edition version of the game.

Until the big announcement hits check out some of our own exclusive Battlefield 3 gameplay in High Definition on YouTube here or in Low Definition here.

The F-35 is capable of vertical takeoff and hovering just like a helicopter. It can transition to jet speed quickly, and quickly slow down to a hover making it the ultimate jet. Check out some of my own F-35 tactics.. This is basically my second ever flight in the F-35.. Took me the whole first game to learn to hover since I could never get a go.

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