COD: Black Ops Double XP starts today July 1 - July 4
Date: Sunday, July 10 @ 23:21:08 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

In celebration of Annihilation's release, Treyarch will be hosting another Double XP Weekend for all systems (360/PS3/PC/Wii) starting this Friday at 10 am PDT and lasting through Tuesday at 10 am PDT in commemoration of 4th of July.

That's right, starting today all black ops players will earn double XP all weekend long. The double XP event basically starts right now, and lasts through until Tuesday at 10am. Jump in for your chance earn those weapon unlocks and extra perks twice as quick.

In Annihilation, gunfire explodes dangerously close to the experimental weapons labs of Hangar 18, movie-goers have fled as soldiers move in on the Drive-In, the Soviets are prepping for an attack from their Silo, and snipers are taking up position on the golf course in Hazard.

Worse yet, it's not just the living taking over new territory. Scouts have reported a large mass of Zombies in the mysterious Shangri-La, a legendary shrine lost in an exotic jungle. Re-unite with Richtofen, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai as they brave deadly traps and solve dark secrets buried deep within the shifting walls of a long lost land.

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