Modified Avalaunch Disc Allows to Boot Xbox1 Homebrew like XBMC on 360
Date: Sunday, March 14 @ 05:08:15 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Looks like farmboynick has figured out how to boot Xbox Media Center (XBMC - Xbox 1) on homebrew Xbox 360 by patching Avalaunch with a halo title id.

I have just launched XBMC [for Xbox1] on my Xbox360, it was so simple ... I patched Avalaunch to boot from disk [with a halo title id] and put a XBMC folder on the disk. After Avalaunch booted I went to file manager and copied the XBMC folder to the E-drive, then simply clicked the XBMC XBE file and it worked.

So far I have been able to launch all XBMC versions that I have tried and can also launch surreal64 and some xbox1 games in file form from HDD. All from selecting the XBE in the Avalaunch file manager

Some versions of XBMC can run picture files, some can run music files, so far I can't get AVI movies to play or gain network access.

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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