Modern Warfare 2 Patch Passes Certification: Goodbye Javelin Glitchers
Date: Saturday, December 12 @ 14:34:55 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

You can all start running up and knifing the enemies now that the world is safe from the insidious javelin glitch, im just happy that this should stop the HQs XO333 from an onslaught of banter about the glitch.

BraveNewGamer reports: This patch, as Bowling clearly puts it, will prevent the now-infamous javelin glitchers from doing their thing. The PlayStation 3 and PC versions have already received this patch. Looks like there won't be any more tomfoolery going on in Modern Warfare 2, at least for now.

The glitch blocker has been up and running since early Friday morning.

360-Hq Game Database: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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