Demo: Jurassic: The Hunted now on Marketplace
Date: Saturday, November 21 @ 23:36:54 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

A new demo for Jurassic: The Hunted has been released. Jurassic: the Hunted is an epic shooter set on a dark, mysterious island lost in time. The Demo weighs in at 589MB and is currently only available to Xbox Live users from the united states.

Content: Jurassic: The Hunted Demo
Price: Free
File Size: 589 MB
Availability: United States
Dash Text: Jurassic: The Hunted is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark, mysterious island that connects the modern world with the age of dinosaurs. Players take on the role of Craig Dylan, a weapons and survival expert, hired to protect a research team sent to study the strange temporal energy of the island and recover whatever is left of the expedition lost on the island over twenty years earlier. Every minute is a fight for survival as Dylan must scavenge weapons, defend barricades, and battle titanic dinosaurs to return to his own time.

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360-Hq Game Database: Jurassic: The Hunted
File Size: 589 MB

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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