First ''Crackdown 2'' Xbox 360 Screenshots
Date: Thursday, September 24 @ 13:24:54 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

The first ever screenshots for "Crackdown 2" have been popping up around the web and we have 3 of them right here on HQ. Check the links below for all screenshots.

The sequel to the award-winning “Crackdown,” “Crackdown 2” is the premier open-ended action experience that lets you be judge, jury and executioner for a vast city. Coming exclusively to Xbox 360 in 2010, “Crackdown 2” will take multiplayer2 gaming to unprecedented levels for the ultimate cooperative and competitive multiplayer experience, providing you and your friends with the complete freedom to explore, destroy and play as you return to restore justice and peace to Pacific City — by any means necessary.

View All Crackdown 2 Screenshots for Xbox 360

As always stay tuned to the HQ's for all the latest Xbox 360 gaming and technical information..

360-Hq Game Database: Crackdown 2 for Xbox 360

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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