Microsoft And Sexual Orientation
Date: Thursday, February 26 @ 09:57:29 UTC
Topic: Xbox Live

With a history of banning gays and lesbians there is no doubt that Microsoft will need to find some way to handle the wave of banning's but is adding a profile section that lists your sexual preference the way to do that, all i know is Live is for playing games and not finding a date.

Here is a post from Teresa a self proclaimed lesbian who felt the need to post it in her bio: I just recently saw a thing on your site about someones gamer tag being banned because it had the word gay in the tag.

I had a similar incident, only my account was suspended because I had said in my profile that I was a lesbian. I was harassed by several players, 'chased' to different maps/games to get away from their harassment. They followed me into the games and told all the other players to turn me in because they didn't want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap.

As if xbox live is really appropriate for kids anyways! My account was suspended and xbox live did nothing to solve this, but instead said others found it offensive.

Today I received a message from another gamer calling me a fag. I am a lesbian, so they aren't too smart if they cant get their anti-gay slurs right.

Microsoft does nothing to stop this or prevent it, but instead sides with the homophobes. No one will help me get the word out about Microsoft's anti-gay policy. Not even the HRC who says Microsoft has a positive image with them. Not to me it doesn't!

Microsoft's official stance is that NO sexual orientation should be in your profile gay or straight so that should be that but VG247 has posted that Xbox Live mod boss Stephen Toulouse has confirmed "Microsoft is looking at ways Xbox Live users can express sexual preference on the service without getting banned."

His comment came after yet another Live subscriber was banned for ‘causing offence’ by saying they were homosexual in their profile data.

“I can’t say any more at the moment, except to say I’m working right now in finding a way to safely express relationship preference,” Toulouse said on his Twitter.

He added: “Expression of any sexual orientation (straight or gay or otherswise) is not allowed in gamertags.

“However we’ve heard from the user-base they want that capability, so I am examining how we can provide it in a way that wont get misused.”

This is the first time Microsoft has even acknowledged something needs to be done about the fact gay and lesbian people can be hounded on Live then banned.

To close up i just want to say i feel no need to tell the world my sexual preference at all and have no idea why any one would feel the need to put it in there gamer profile since it has nothing to do with playing games.

If your are one of the many that wants to let the world know for what ever reason your time may be coming soon.


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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