Bungie Confirms Halo 3 Will Get New Content And More
Date: Friday, July 25 @ 10:22:23 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Even though its not the big news that Microsoft has put the hush hush on its still a little something for the fans to snack on till they can drop the big bomb so if you are a Halo fan here is whats on the snack menu till Bungie can get the main course to the table.

Halo 3 Screenshot 3958

Bungie said "The Penny Arcade Expo is rapidly approaching and while some of our plans have changed, we are still planning some goodness for fans who plan to attend."

"We've been talking up PAX for a few weeks now, asking our fans to mark their calendars and prepare to be showered in Bungie Love as we hunker down in our booth amidst the craziness of the show floor. We're just over a month away from the magical weekend so it's worth reminding everyone that Bungie will be there and we would love to meet you at our booth."

"We'll be there in full force in booth #752, conveniently located right next to our friends from Rooster Teeth / Red vs. Blue. Visitors to our patch of real estate can expect to find some brand new Halo 3 multiplayer content, including chances for hands-on play (crowds permitting of course). Hardcore fans will also have an opportunity to compete in multiplayer matches against Luke and Shishka for a chance to win Recon armor. In addition, many members of our team will be on hand during the three days of the show to mingle, sign stuff, draw stuff and spread Bungie Love. Of course we also plan to make it rain with prizes and swag on a daily basis."

Now that they have put a little smoke out there to blind us from the big news I guess we can focus on the ne DLC and not the stuff Microsoft has hidden from us, Bungie did say: "For the record, we have no plans to make any big announcements or huge reveals at PAX this year. While we will have some Halo 3 multiplayer stuff for you to check out, this is not going to be the "big announcement" many of our fans are clamoring for. Rest assured that when the time is right, we will be making announcements and talking about the stuff we're currently working on. At the moment we do have three distinct projects underway within Bungie - some familiar, some not. Some on a closer horizon, some quite far off."

So hang in there Halo fans the Halo world will be expanding soon enough.

News-Source: bungie.net

360-Hq Game Database: Halo 3

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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