MS Tells Bungie To Wait To Show Teaser Trailer
Date: Sunday, July 20 @ 13:58:03 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

I been watching allot of G3TV so i could keep an eye on all things E3 and about half way in to it i was saying to myself "What about Halo?" since Bungie always makes a splash at E3 you would think they would be going off about Halo Wars or even announcing a new game and i found my answer here in this GameRush report.

Halo Wars Screenshot 4786

Today, details are coming in about what Bungie intended to reveal at Microsoft’s E3 press conference. While specific information about its upcoming Halo project remain a secret, the developer reportedly planned to show a sixty second “knock’em down” teaser trailer, only to have it pulled at the last minute.

“Bungie had a sixty second knock’em down teaser trailer made that was going to unveil the game and it was going to be the close to Microsoft media keynote at E3,” Jacob Metcalf explained. “This was going to be followed up by Bungie doing their separate press event later on in the week on Wednesday to show off the new game.”

“Microsoft has never really explained why they prevented Bungie from going on with their media event on Wednesday at E3. It has to be a new Halo game since if it was an new IP Microsoft would not have their hands on the control of the brand and would not have had the power to silence Bungie about it.”

Bungie informed fans that plans had been changed on Tuesday, later promising something “further down the road.” Meanwhile, Microsoft maintains that the announcement was held back for a “more dedicated event.”

“So soon Bungie and Microsoft will come to terms about when and how Microsoft is going to unveil this new Bungie developed Halo game and then show it to the public,” he said.


360-Hq Game Database: Halo Wars

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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