Aaron Greenberg Explains
Date: Friday, May 16 @ 11:31:17 UTC
Topic: Playstation 3

You might recall a news post i listed May 10th called Sony Fails To Keep Its Word and it looks like Next-Gen has decided to follow up with Aaron Greenberg on his comments made to Sony.

When asked what prompted him to tear into Sony to such an extent, he told Next-Gen, "You know, I don't know what it was, but something triggered the decision to take the gloves off a bit.

"I think that maybe for me it's a little bit different because I've been on the Xbox business from the very beginning. And I've sat through years of press conferences and heard all those promises that, frankly, haven't materialized.

"I rather that as much as we can--and I know that it's hard to do this sometimes--actually deal in real facts. Let's hold ourselves accountable to what we're telling people what we're going to do. We owe it to our customers.

"We're all going to to make mistakes, and games are going to slip, and things are going to happen, but at the end of the day, I think Xbox has been a lot more straight with the customers about saying what we're going to do and living up to it than Sony has in this space.

"I was just taking the opportunity to remind people of Sony's history of over-promising and under-delivering."

But although Greenberg won't back down from his earlier comments about Sony, he did throw at least a bit of appreciation to his competitors.

"We're still humble. ... We're not blind to the fact that the Wii has had tremendous success in selling hardware, we're not blind the the fact that Sony is a very formidable competitor. ... We recognize the importance of our competitors. They keep us sharp and on edge and on top of our game as well."

Nevertheless, there is still a heated rivalry between the kingdoms of Xbox and PlayStation.

"I was a bit surprised at the reaction [to my comments]," Greenberg admitted. "I got a lot of interesting internal e-mails about that. I think I spoke for what a lot of people have been wanting to say for a long time."

With all that said i feel Greenberg's comments hold water and that Sony really needs to wake up and smell the lack of promised content, following the console debate pre-PS3 release i was under the impression that Sony's new system would be a force to be reckoned with but now its out and i have played it and the 360 i feel i made the right choice with 360.

Sony, keep your word and don't promise what you cant deliver.

News-Source: Next-Gen

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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