Tomb Raider: Anniversary Swings onto XBL
Date: Friday, November 23 @ 10:52:31 UTC
Topic: Xbox Live

One of just a handful of titles to be released as a boxed game at traditional retail outlets and as a digital download via Microsoft’s online network, Eidos’ Tomb Raider: Anniversary has finally arrived on Xbox Live.

A remake of the seven million plus selling 1996 classic Tomb Raider, the game charts the exploits of tomb-raiding heroine Lara Croft as she jumps, swings and shoots her way through Peru, Greece, Egypt and Great Britain in search of a mythical object called the Scion.

Already available as a standalone title in stores, the game is now available via Xbox Live in the form of two downloadable packs. The packs cost 1200 Microsoft points each, and combined will take up 3GB of hard drive storage space.

Microsoft’s Xbox Arcade Collection and Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion expansions are the only other titles to appear both as boxed games in stores and as digital downloads on Microsoft’s online network.

Rather than being a straightforward port of the original, developer Crystal Dynamics used an enhanced version of last year’s Tomb Raider Legend engine to optimize the experience. Additionally, protagonist Lara has a range of new moves - taken directly from Legend - not featured in the original game.

The Wii version of Tomb Raider: Anniversary, already in stores stateside, will hit European retail outlets on December 7.

News-Source: Next-Gen

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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