T3CH XBMC 2007-11-04 SVN rev10675
Date: Tuesday, November 06 @ 11:53:29 UTC
Topic: Xbox Dashboard

New SVN build hit and heres the scoop on it.

Small list of changes:

2007-11-04 10675 changed: IMDb scraper, a rogue clear="yes" was causing problems.

2007-11-04 10674 fixed: IMDb actors role could contain links and skip info also
Top250 had changed so fixed that aswell.

2007-11-04 10673 changed: broadcast event TitleChanged to MediaChanged and added
check and broadcast of artist added: httpapi commands GetMusicLabel and

2007-11-03 10671 updated: Icelandic based on 10541 by kristjan

2007-11-03 10670 added: extended the xbmchttp output slightly

2007-11-02 10669 fixed: IMDb lookups with movies that were not exact matches
(should fix bugs reported on forum recently)

2007-11-02 10668 changed: allow multiple per function useful for sites likes
movieposterdb etc...

2007-11-02 10667 fixed: allow dvdplayer faaad decoder to reset properly on errors
and seeks

2007-11-02 10665 fixed: allow dvdplayer faaad decoder to reset properly on errors
and seeks

2007-11-02 10664 fixed: potential lockup in CFileCache on seek changed: allow
CFileCache to use truncated reads and use the chunksize of source protocol for it's
reads changed: don't allow CFileCache to request seeks on source file if it doesn't
report itself as seekable changed: don't reset caching if seek failed on underlying

And lots more.

News-Source and Download-Source: T3CH

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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