HD-DVD and BLU-RAY to be Dwarfed!!
Date: Tuesday, August 28 @ 20:37:03 UTC
Topic: Off Topic


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Notice the disc above. Totaly transparent

Ok, first lets think about this, what is a Terabyte?, what can you put on a 1TB disc?
A terabyte is 1,000 Gigabytes! On a single 1TB disc you can put ...

--20 full sized blu-ray discs (Dont think Sony even has that many BLU-RAY games total lol)
--1 million large word documents (or about 888,623 compressed copies of the book War and Peace!!)
--A quarter million MP3 files (play 1 song after another for like 17 months before repeating one)
--212 DVD movies ( thats a stack just over 10 foot high!)
--Or heck, 50 xbox 360 standard HDD's, thats 1,000 copies of COD4 BETA!! lol

My current computer has 60gigs of hard drive, so with one of these 1TB discs I could have the capacity of just over 16 of my computers hard drives!

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News-Source: http://www.mempile.com/

A company in Israel claims it has developed a technology to make TeraDiscs, 1TB discs the same size as a standard DVD but with 200 layers 5GB each. The discs are said to have a 50 year life span. The laser can choose which layer it wishes to read from by changing the optics of the laser to focus at a specific distance through the transparent layers, the layers are only 5 microns apart. A special material is also used so writen layers remain transparent or the laser would have a hard time reading layer 200 through 199 layers of written material. The disc they show on thier site is totaly clear like a peice of glass, not like a 2 sided DVD that you cant see through, Wow transparent clear information devices, The superman crystals are totaly looking more possible every day, I Wonder how much info a 6" crystal can hold?
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The company has already achieved the 800GB capacity and expects to hit 1TB very soon, and you can expect to see them on store shelves in 3 to 4 years. (Mempile) the company developing this new storage device states the 1TB is coming soon and they are already looking forward to moving on to a 5TB disc! will the madness never end?! I guess we know what the PS4 format will be.

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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