Team Xecuter Blaster360 Update, Pics and more
Date: Wednesday, December 20 @ 17:24:25 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

First off all we know this is taking longer than expected, we can only go as fast as the desired end result dictates.

OK, after we had a final version Blaster360 manufactured to beta a few weeks ago, we have embarked on an exhaustive testing process (and jees am I glad we did too!). When I say tested, I mean I had guys knock the shit out of this product and tried to break it anyway they could. Of course the answer is yes they did break it, many times, and we have fixed/solved every problem so it REALLY is now ready to roll out of the factory. No one is more down about the fact its not ready for Xmas season than we are, however of course no one is going to argue that we wanted to get this right - because you have NO idea how accurate this thing has to be (initially we thought it would be MUCH easier/simpler than this - boy were we wrong)

Just for referance these are some of the main points highlighted by our hardcore beta testers with all their analysis hardware (along with the result from the factory)

1. Cross talk interferance issue on SATA bus (ODD on rare occassions can not be detected by PC) : Fixed by complete new re-layout of PCB to split low-frequence and high-frequence layer and traces, and modify layout of ground panel (2nd layer) and vcc panel (3rd layer) to eliminate interferance.

Beta tester Result: No longer has the cross talk interferance problem

2. Timing diagram of modeb signal delayed output to ODD (it would switch ODD into wrong mode) : Fixed by changing IC XXXXXXX to IC XXXXXXX, because we found XXXXXX has faster timing of Tpd-HL than XXXXXXX to avoid the timing delay problem, and XXXXX can now work on 3.3V so reduced components.

Beta tester Result: No longer has any Modeb problems

3. Occassional ground issue (leaks when reading from ODD) : Improve ground return trace and connection to have better quality of signal of SATA.

Beta tester Result: No longer has any Ground leaks

Pre-Order Now ($70):
360-Hq.Com Hardware Database: Xecuter Blaster360

4. Power input auto-switching function improved (for those that don't know the Blaster360 lies idle until the Molex PSU is plugged into - then it auto switches in Blaster360 mode - no manual setting up whatsoever. The only thing you must do is make sure your Xbox360 PSU is unplugged (of course) or youll be having fireworks for Xmas...probably (haven't really had the nerve to try that one myself - maybe someone is daring and will post on YouTube )

5. PCB construction and installation improved: No cutting of the metal case of the XB360 whatsoever, even easier to install than before.

6. LED Green/Blue/Glow function improved.

We polled our Beta testers with a Q&A to give us an idea of a BETA/RTF* image....

On average the Beta Blaster scored an 8.5/10

After all the fixes applied EVERY single tester gave it a Double Thumbs Up 10/10!

We are now very very happy with this product. Please understand we have put a LOT of development and testing into this and can only say sorry to those who have waited so long to get their hands on one. I can now estimate that the release will be in the next 2 weeks. Im talking to retailers about RRP - It will probably be around $70 (and before anyone *****es about the price we only make about $15 from that - and of course you dont HAVE to buy it. We spent a lot of money developing this - that kind of effort doesnt come cheap and it certainley doesnt come free - the mould alone cost us $35k).

* btw RTF is what we term as RELEASE TO FACTORY (thats when our dev team gives a final GO on a product design)

PS many congrats to commodore4eva - Xtreme v5.0 really is outstanding work

Pre-Order Now ($70):
360-Hq.Com Hardware Database: Xecuter Blaster360

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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