Chotto - PSP camera
Date: Tuesday, November 07 @ 17:24:32 UTC
Topic: Off Topic

As you can see from these pictures, the quality of the images is very good. Since the screen is only 480x272 1.3 megapixels is all that is needed for good picture taking quality.

What We Know:
-The UMD comes with 2.82 update, but only requires 2.8
-The UMD disc is required to take images or video
-Images takes are sent to PSP/Photo/CHOTTO_SHOT/
-There seems to be 2 settings for taking pictures, indoors and outdoors
-Videos are takes in BHC format, but you can convert then to AVI.
-Once in AVI they are sent to PSP/Video/CHOTTO_SHOT/
-You can only take 15 second videos, but they have good audio and sound.
-The Photo Editing UMD allows you to add effects to the pictures "such as Bars (to give the effect your in prison:smileyvery-happy, Flames, Stars, etc, etc. And to say stuff like happy birthday and such, You get the picture."

News Source:PSP Updates

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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