Maximus-Garyopa Hitachi-LG Xtreme v2.2 - Revised Bats
Date: Monday, October 09 @ 19:29:44 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Maximus released a .bat fix for Maximus-Garyopa Hitachi-LG Xtreme v2.2 Stealth 8in1:

Here are Revised bats for the "Maximus-Garyopa_XTRM-HITACHI_v2_2_Stealth" package previously released. just copy this bats over the existing ones into your drive.

The previous bats have a bug with errorlevel variable (my mistake, not garyOPA).

NOTE: If you have sucessfully flashed your drive with the 2.2 Stealth package NO NEED TO REFLASH AGAIN SINCE THERE IS NO PROBLEM ON THE FLASHED DRIVE.
For new drives you flash it is better to have this revisted bats to avoid possible problems (NONE Reported here).

Also if you RE-DOWNLOAD the "Maximus-Garyopa_XTRM-HITACHI_v2_2_Stealth" package from the "usual places" will contain the revised bats (Added on 9-Oct-2006).

Official-Site: n/a (by Maximus, Garyopa and Geremia)

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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