Xbox Save Parser v2.0
Date: Wednesday, August 02 @ 21:37:50 UTC
Topic: Xbox Homebrew

Ok, I've finished another program. This one is called Xbox Save Parser. Here are the key features:
* Lets you parse any Xbox save file and find all signatures (besides the CRC ones for now) within the save file and gives you the info to add to the resign.ini file of XSavSig
* Has an online database of Authkeys and resign info, which will increase as I get more feedback from people using the program
* Supports regular and noroam signatures
* Does not support Xor32 or Xor64 signatures YET
* Will work even if you don't know the AuthKey, because you can patch your xbe file with my Non-XBL AuthKey Patcher and use that as the AuthKey
* Includes a frontend for the Non-XBL AuthKey Patcher program
* The ultimate goal of the program is to have a complete database of resign info for ALL Xbox games, which can only be achieved by use of the program and feedback to me
* Willing to add any AuthKey to the list, that won't allow cheating on XBL, by request, and then you can find the resign info and give it back to me, at which time I will update the online database with that info
* If the game is an XBL game and it allows cheating I will still post the resign info using the Non-XBL AuthKey

The success of this program will depend on interested people making requests for AuthKeys and then finding the resign info so i can add it to the database.
I hope people will download and use it. :-)

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This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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