Analyst: Halo 3 Back in the Frame?
Date: Friday, March 17 @ 08:45:19 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

A leading analyst says PlayStation 3's delay could prompt Microsoft to seek to sabotage the launch with the timely release of its key Xbox 360 title Halo 3.
Hiroshi Kamide, analyst at KBC Securities in Tokyo said, "The Xbox 360 will now have had a year’s head start. The danger is that they could target very big-hitting titles at the launch of the PS3 just to sabotage it. If they release Halo 3 – Microsoft’s biggest selling game – timed to PS3, that will be quite damaging for Sony."

Last year, Bill Gates famously stated that Halo 3 would be lying in wait for PlayStation 3's spring launch. But Microsoft then distanced itself from these remarks, as it became clear that the game would not be ready. But PlayStation 3's delay is bound to have put the prospect of spoiling Sony's party back on the agenda.


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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