MAMEoX v0.65b
Date: Wednesday, May 28 @ 02:47:07 UTC
Topic: Xbox Emulation

What's new/fixed:
- Fixed a slight glitch in rendering where a grey/white bar would show on the left and right of the rendered frame.
- Fixed Sound, I think sound is nearly if not 100% correct, it sounds exactly like my win32 port of MAME as far as I can tell anyway. Also, sound will output to all available speakers, sounds better if you have a 5.1 system IMHO.
- Fixed the XDK file debacle, now any files that the project references from the xdk will now work on any xdk as long as the xdk defined the environment variable XDK to point to the base dir of the xdk (I think all current xdks do this).
- Removed all _RPTx macro calls as they apparently don't properly send to xboxwatson.
- Added Network settings to INI file
- Added File Path settings to the INI file
- Moved INI file to always be in U:4d414d45INIMAMEoX.ini
- Added SMB support for loading files (ROMS!!) from smb shares format of smb share is exactly like xbox media player, i.e. smb://user:password@computer/sharedirectory as of this release files can only be READ from shares, not Written
- Changed file handling to not cache files into memory but rather load them like the mame core does (not sure if this saves memory or not, can't hurt though.)
Check the full changelog.

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This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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