XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 2005-10-09 CVS build
Date: Monday, October 10 @ 01:01:15 UTC
Topic: Xbox Media Player

A new CVS compile (by T3CH) of XboxMediaCenter has been released. This T3CH-compile is a BAREBONE package (with just a few thirdparty scripts and with just the default skin) compiled with XDK v5849. '
Here's the added features, for all the fixed, changed and updated stuff check the full changelog since the 2005-10-03 CVS release:
- added: Nav view, recently played albums (musicdatabase will be updated to version 1.3)
- added: video mode override in my programs.
- added: rename xbe in my programs.
- added: Playlists to My Music Library, also directly accessible via XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyMusicLibrary,Playlists)
- added: XBMC.PlayerControl(Record) skin command. Toggles recording state.
Player.IsRecording, Player.CanRecord are visibility states that tell if it is possible.

Keep in mind this is a CVS snapshot of the current development tree. It's not a official (stable) point release. Use only if you know what you are doing.
Official Site(s): /
Download SourceCode: here

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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