XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 2005-07-17 CVS build
Date: Sunday, July 17 @ 23:15:01 UTC
Topic: Xbox Media Player

A new CVS compile (by T3CH) of XboxMediaCenter has been released. A new XBMC compile was posted just 2 days ago, but a few people reported problems with some features because the /media/Fonts dir was not included in the package. So, here's the skinny on the 2005-07-17 build.
This T3CH-compile is a BAREBONE package (so less stuff that can cause issues) compiled with XDK v5849, with just a few small additions compared to what's in XBMC CVS repository:
* BritneysPAIRS's ~110 choosen Milk(info)drop presets (visualisations: MD - BPs Selection)
* Bubbadood's 'Glen Quagmire' SOUNDS (sounds: Quagmire)
* Mouton's QuickTimeBrowser SCRIPT (scripts: QuickTimeBrowser)
* Nullsoft's IN_MP3.dll, which is needed for proper mp3 playback (systemplayable)
* Codecs for mplayer (systemplayersmplayercodecs:
* You can add more scripts and skins yourself if desired. You can download them from, and
There are of course also some changes since the 07-15 CVS build, you can find the full changelog here. Keep in mind this is a CVS snapshot of the current development tree. It's not a official (stable) point release. Use only if you know what you are doing.Source:

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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