Frodo-X Beta 2
Date: Saturday, July 19 @ 23:26:56 UTC
Topic: Xbox Emulation

From the nfo:
Whats New/Fixed:
- Added Zip file Support
- Added USB Keyboard Support
- Cleaned up frontend game list
- Added new background image
(C64 computer pixel art courtesy of robotriot:

From the readme:
Let me first apologize for the atrocious time between releases. I've been wanting to update this for like ever. Real life unfortuately has first dibs on me, and I program for a living. So programming more when I get home is sometimes very tough to get motivated for. Anyone who is in my field I'm sure can sympathize. Anyhow, I found some time about a week ago and decided to get some additions into it. I still have a few more things left I wanna wrap up, so Im hoping to release another version soon (without a year passing ;) )

Official Site: n/a
Download: n/a (built with XDK)

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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