Work In Progress: CXBX v0.7.7 (playing .xmv files)
Date: Saturday, July 19 @ 22:07:51 UTC
Topic: Xbox Emulation

Caustik already showed some images of Turok Evolution bootingscreens on his Xbox emulator project, now he released more pictures (from the Turok Evolution intro movie I think) and also some info on the Forums:
This is not a fake...
You will see this for yourself in 0.7.7 (whenever i get around to releasing)
Please note that this is an xmv movie, the graphics are not rendered by the 3D API, they are stored in an .xmv file and rendered to a surface.
I have not optimized the rendering at all, and there are unnecessary memory copies happening, but despite this I have no problems turning off vsync and getting 10 to 20x speed on my 2.6ghz + radeon 9500.
You really have to see this to believe it.
"Xbox Emulation is impossible"

Official Site:

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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