Media X Menu (MXM) 0.9n
Date: Saturday, July 19 @ 21:43:27 UTC
Topic: Xbox Media Player

From the readme:
- Fixed problem with "Bounce" modifier that caused the size to be screwed up for dynamic strings when they changed.
- Implimented for node. Defaults to MXM path, but this will override the value and search will occur in the path specified in this element.
- Implimented FTP SITE commands:
SITE reboot
SITE shutdown
- Added property to item entries. If True, it overrides check for duplicates. False has no effect.
- Fixed some issues with the FTP Server, works with AceFTP 2
- Fixed XML "cooking" - use of escaped symbols ampersand, greater and less than. Tested with Toejam & Earl
- Added "FlashID" Text String (smell anything burning?)
- Added Screenshot capability!!!! RIGHT-TRIGGER and "X" will capture screen captures to Z:
- Added X:, Y:, and Z: to the FTP Served drives.
- Added internal images: ::ICO_ACTION, ::ICO_DIR, ::ICO_DVD, ::ICO_EMU, ::ICO_FILE, ::ICO_HD, ::ICO_LOCK, ::ICO_MEDIA, ::ICO_MUSIC, ::ICO_WAVE, ::ICO_XBE
- Internalized a master XML script that will hold internal skins, infoscreens and various other things.
- Added masahiko's "Simplicity" skin to the internal skin list.
- Skin Selection... not terribly stable, due to a number of factors, I am forcing a reboot after you select anything but "Random" - The changes go into MXM's "User" directory (U:Pref.xml or E:UDATA0004321Pref.xml)
- Some Newsfeed capability...

To view the full changes read here

Official Site: n/a
Download: n/a (built with XDK)

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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