Winxip 0.5
Date: Monday, July 14 @ 00:16:44 UTC
Topic: Xbox Development

Winxip is a program to manipulate files stored in the Xbox XIP archive file.

From Voltaic:
I'm releasing WinXIP 0.5 as a "test" version. You can do a lot with it but not all functionality is present. I label this version "test" because it might not be stable/bug free. I want to get feedback from people that will use it.

I want constructive feedback, since this is a test version, I don't want bitching about how it sucks and such... if there are bugs/issues, please post them in a creative manner. I estimate that in a few weeks time, WinXIP will be fully implemented and fully functional... 'til then, we're all working on acheiving the same goal, that is to make the MS Dashboard a better dashboard. I'm hoping to have XM support in version 0.7 so don't ask about it, it won't be added before then...

On that note, I hope you guys will enjoy WinXIP... I fully intend on completing it... it's just that now that I'm back to work, development on it is a bit slower.

Official Site: n/a, by Voltaic
Download: here

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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