Xbox-HQ To Buy-out Troubled Xbox-Scene
Date: Friday, April 01 @ 00:38:32 UTC
Topic: Off Topic

For those who have been able to keep this buy-out hush, mum is no longer the word. Today Xbox-HQ officially has all admin rights and ownership to the second leading Xbox hobbyist site in the world, Rumors were spreading rampart early in the week on XBS, but were quickly muted in effort to not cause a ruckus among the thousands of members who frequently visit the site, let alone would-be advertisers who are contemplating sponsorship.

"A change for the better was needed," says Xantium, long time front runner over at XBS. "We seem to have a core of people who for whatever reason do not understand the concept of sharing knowlege", he continued. "Don't get me wrong, we have some of the most knowledgable people in the world writing tutorials and adding to the wealth of knowledge we have databased, but personality-wise we are failing miserably".

Xbox-HQ for quite some time has been known to have a more friendlier atmosphere and most people believe that the take-over can only net incredible results. Of course this was a complete shocker to most, including HSDEMONZ who could not be reached for comment, but last heard was inconsolable. No word if the sites name will change or if both sites will merge as one. That seems to be the major consensus at this time. The most popular idea among moderators and admins is, but nothing is set in stone ;) We will report more on this as information is released.News Source:

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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