Xenium Spice Now Shipping
Date: Thursday, March 10 @ 13:41:09 UTC
Topic: Xbox Modchips

We are proud to announce that our much anticipated bundled package including, Xenium, Xsorease and our brand new 1.6 compatible adaptor are now shipping. As expected, with the release of yet another revolutionary product, demand has been overwhelming and we have been working night and day to fulfill back orders. We are glad to announce that we are now on track and that orders are shipping.

Despite our clear and concise announcements it appears that some retailers have caused confusion in the market by trying to separate the special SPICE bundle pack to sell adaptors separately. This will not work! We would like to make it clear to all that there is a distinct difference between the SPICE adaptor and the Xodus SP adaptor (not yet released).
The SPICE bundle pack has an adaptor that works off 3.3 volts and will work with chips that are 3.3 volts ONLY. It will not work with other chips.
The SP adaptor is the universal one that will work with other chips and it is not yet released. We have individually contacted retailers to clarify these points once again and we are ensuring that confusing text on sites is being rectified immediately. Our specially configured adaptor for the SPICE bundle is just that, specially configured and should not be confused in any way whatsoever with the universal SP adaptor designed for all other chips. We trust that the point is now made and that the difference is now crystal clear to all.
Source: TeamXodus.com

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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