Xbox Image Grabber 2 2005-02-17
Date: Friday, February 18 @ 17:10:39 UTC
Topic: Xbox Homebrew

Xbox Image Grabber 2 is a small Windows GUI application that automates the process of taking screen captures off the Xbox with the following features:

- automatic conversion to .jpg, .png, or other formats
- automatic timestamp
- automatic watermark
- image crossfading
- automatic upload to FTP server
- automatic upload to php script
- includes timer for taking snapshots at regular intervals
- includes a preview window
- requires no XDK software to be installed
- smaller filesize
- test debug service
- redirects dds2 output to client
- XIG 2 Source now public
- dds2 takes the place of xbcapture
- Background Process Execution
- RAW FTP Commands; can execute BFM debug bios remotely
- Minimize to system tray


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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