JMXToolz Public Beta Release 1
Date: Wednesday, February 16 @ 22:10:18 UTC
Topic: Xbox Dashboard

' The newer menu system supports audio/video file playback, XBE Execution, Screensaver, Billboard Feature and more '
With the latest OXM disks being created (Issue #40 and newer) they have converted to a newer 3d-esque menu system that uses a binary file called 'menu.jmx' to construct the menu/colors/backgrounds/items/actions etc...

I (Angerwound) and PedrosPad have written a set of tools for users to toy with this file and create their own OXM disk menus. The main reason behind this project was a replacement of CDX for those that create MultiGameMenu's or a low-end dashboard.

The newer menu system supports audio/video file playback, XBE Execution, Screensaver, Billboard Feature and more. See included .cfg within JMXBuild for all options available.

Within the package are three tools:
* jmxDump (simply dumps the format of the JMX, as xbedump would for XBE's)
* jmxToTxt (Writes a text version of the JMX file for users to read a bit easier)
* jmxBuild (Inputs a config file, and creates the JMX based on the user's preferences). A few things have yet to be implemented into jmxBuild such as color settings and screensaver settings.
Official Discussion Thread::

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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