WePlayHere.net goes live!
Date: Monday, December 06 @ 17:46:42 UTC
Topic: Xbox Gaming

First we want to say thank you to each of you for supporting us over the years. And because our users (you) are the best in the world we though, "What better way to repay them for their hard work than to give them a place to compete and call home". Well it's finally here, and we think your going to love it.

We have Ladders set up for Ghost Recon 2, Halo 2, Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow, Halo, and Mario Kart. If you wish to join any of these ladders, just register for the site, create a team, and join a ladder. Let the fun begin!

With this I must also thank those who made this all happen. First I want to thank TheDaddy for allowing me to take on this job for all of us. Second I want to thank XCondor. Although most of you still think he is not real person, he paid for the domain to get this up on the web for all of us. Thanks guys! I also want to thank ShadowAce of XR8D for coming up with the domain name, I think it says it all. I would like to thank dfunked for hacking the hell out of the site to make it look how we all wanted it to. Still some work to do, but damn what an improvement. Last I would like to thank the members of SS-c that paid for the application that we are using for this site.

And again from all of us at Team XLink, Thank you for your continued support! Enjoy
News-Source: http://www.weplayhere.net (December 4 19:31 EST) - (direct link to article)

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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