Xbox Dash Next: Public Beta Bug Bash Release 1.0
Date: Sunday, October 03 @ 23:12:05 UTC
Topic: Xbox Dashboard

' Xbox Dash Next (previously called tHc Final): Public Beta Bug Bash Release 1.0 '
Look for not only a custom pc side app for total control over xbox, but many more glorious updates to come. Once again raising the standard in Dashboard experience. While the knockoffs are scrambling to keep up, I give you the new standard for both Xbox usability and scriptability.

As the amount of new material is considerable, the best method for debugging is in the biggest pool - users :) This isn't a wishlist release, please only report bugs on new/existing material - save requests for next release. Included is full documentation on new scriptable functions and their syntaxes. Not all are implimented yet - this is where the Public Beta Bug Bash 1.0 begins :) All reported bugs will be fixed before release of first real RC release.

Main new Objects of interest:
* HardDrive
ex: DEF theHardDrive HardDrive
* XboxNetwork

ex: DEF theXboxNetwork XboxNetwork
* TitleMenu
ex: DEF theGamesMenu TitleMenu

... see included doc for usage - but in general:
* HardDrive - allows file i/o access on a scriptable level - can script file manager with these functions
* XboxNetwork - handles all network services on a scriptable level - includes ftp server
* TitleMenu - creates menu lists including title names and icons from the xbe's found

First thing someone might wanna do is flip these icons over hehe.

I added in the new menu listing items into the now classic HD menu so you would have a point of reference seeing the new scriptables in action. And yes that green ring is there - I used the color from the old blue dash xbp - they're 100% easily changable by you now - so don't whine about the green - change it :)

Feel free to script up whatever you can think of now :) Direct all bug reports to thread in forum. Enjoy... JbOnE

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