Outlaw Golf2: Off The Green
Date: Saturday, August 28 @ 14:48:30 UTC
Topic: Xbox Gaming

It's pretty obvious right from the start that Outlaw Golf 2 isn't your run of the mill golf game. Proper golf etiquette, attire and the general slow pace of the game flies out the window when you pop this puppy into your console. Over the next few weeks we're going to illustrate this by giving gamers a deeper look into some of the game modes that they'll be able to play both offline and online when the game releases this October. So buckle up while we introduce you to the wacky side of golf.

Baseball It's baseball, no it's golf, no it's baseball…ok fine, it's both. Play a round of golf with baseball rules and up to four players on the course. Instead of the usual stroke-based scoring system, in this mode, a picture of the four bases determines how well you're doing.

How you play on each hole will decide the type of hit you get, and to score, you'll need to get one of your men to round the bases back to home. Here's how your strokes translate into baseball rules:

Triple Bogey = Triple Play
Double Bogey = Double Play
Bogey = Out
Par = Single
Birdie = Double
Eagle or Better = Home Run

Each time a man gets on base, he will advance one base for each hit made. So, if you have a runner on second and on the next hole you hit a single, your man will only advance to third base. Breaking it down even further, if you have a man on second and you hit a double, the man on second will round third and head home. The positions of your men on the bases carry over from hole to hole, but if you get three outs, however many runners you had on base will be lost and you'll have to start from scratch again.

This is a great game mode for beginners to play against seasoned pros. Makes you feel a lot better to say that you only got beat by 3 runs rather than your ass kicked by 12 strokes.

Bingo Bango
For many people, the most frustrating part of golf is putting. You can do everything right up until that point…beautiful drive, nice approach shot, be putting for birdie, then fall apart with a three putt and end up with a bogey. In this game mode though, the end result isn't the only thing that matters.

Two to four players can get it on in Bingo Bango. There are three ways to score in this game:
A) Be the first player to reach the green and you will get a point added to your Bingo bank.
B) Be the closest player to the pin when reaching the green and you will get a point added to your Bango bank.
C) Be the player with the lowest number of strokes and you will get a point added to your Bongo bank.
Add all of these points up at the end of the round to determine the winner. Source: IGN

This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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