Xbox-Hq Updates
Date: Saturday, August 07 @ 12:14:04 UTC
Topic: Xbox General

Hi Members,

Just thought id fill you all in with what ive been doing to the website in the background..

Bascially ive been sorting out the code ready to upgrade the entire site again and am trying to make the site as fast as possible for everyone.. There have been a few posts regarding the speed so i have tweaked it a little and removed all the extra's that are'nt required..

Whats Changed Fixed:
- Removed Fade Effect
- Cut down the Drop Down Menu's to minmum (35kb down to 15kb)
- Fix the VIP Support Ticket Section so it emails the VIP Member who posted the ticket when a reply is made.
- Fixed security to double check only the USER who posted the ticket can see it!
- Fixed Tutorials Section and add a new page called 'VIEW ALL TUTORIALS'.

Well thats like 10hr flatout sifting through code etc and uploading to the site..

If you guys can think of any tweaks that should be quick to do please contact me and mention them. I want to make this site as user friendly as possible..


This article comes from XBOX-HQ.COM

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